Next Thursday (March 17th) at 16:00 PM (GMT+1) we will continue with the INPACT’s seminars. As you know, they will consist in a series of talks by worldwide scholars about the issues and topics conderning INPACT’s aims.
This time we will have the privilege to talk to Lukáš Holata (University of South Bohemia), who will give a talk on the archaeology of soviet gulags.
The seminar will take place both in presence at Aula 1, via Balbi 6 (III Piano) and in TEAMS INPACT platform. The access code for the online session to the channel is cvbnz3c, only valid for UniGe users. External users who want to participate, please contact with theinpactproject@gmail.com to receive the link.
Here you have the abstract of the seminar:
In the Siberian taiga and tundra, dozens of Gulag camps’remains are located. These are unique archaeological sites consisting of still standing buildings and structures, often with internal furnishings and a considerable number of artefacts scattered around.This aspect, in addition to the vast remoteness of the sites, greatly determines the course of archaeological survey.The seminar 1) will discuss the fundamental characteristics of the archaeology of the Gulag, 2) summarize the conclusions of such research to date, and 3) especially present the implementation of the archaeological and historical findings in developing of an effective educational tool in virtual reality. Modelling of selected everyday situations in the Gulag camp, in authentic backdrops, will allow pupils and students to gain a unique experience and a strong impression through which they will better understand the repressive apparatus and the nature of totalitarian regimes.