Between lost towns and past conflicts: new investigations in Casaio and Lardeira

At the end of the 18th century there was a conflict between the councils of Puente de Domingo Flórez and that of Lardeira due to some communal lands managed by these two councils. This conflict left a written record that, studied today, may shed some light on the long history of the communal lands of Casaio and Lardeira. Until now the archaeological and historical analyses on this territory has focused on the more recent processes such as the tungsten mining or the anti-Francoist guerrilla. However, without a deep understanding of how economy and politics were articulated before these events, there will be not a thorough comprehension of their level of impact on landscapes and societies.

During the next two weeks, INPACT team will investigate the history of the communal lands of Casaio and Lardeira through the material record of past landscapes. Among them, one of the most relevant will be the location and documentation of the ancient town of Camporredondo, about which we know from the documentary evidence analysed by other historians, such as Isidro García Tato. The archeological analyses of this town will give crucial information of the pre-industrial economies and also of the practices of the communal lands in the past. Moreover, it will be a perfect occasion to contrast what we can know from the documentary evidence and that we can achieve from the archaeological evidence.

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